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Batley Grammar School

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The Batelians’ Association is the link between the school and former learners and staff. Upon leaving, everyone automatically becomes a member.

The Batelians works like Alumni and helps with requests from various school departments for funding and support. The Association has funded numerous projects over the years including CCF tents and rucksacks, bookcases for the Primary Phase, audio equipment for the Secondary Phase, finance for the school choir, the complete restoration of the WWI Memorial Windows, purchase of the school’s trampoline and many other projects, the most recent being two new wooden park benches outside the front door.

Subscriptions to the Association are not compulsory but many Batelians choose to pay £10 annually to help fund the work of the Association. A Standing Order payment of £10 can be set up to the following account: Sort Code 05-04-09 Account number 17945236 (Yorkshire Bank).

The Association has a thriving Facebook page (The Official Batelians’ Association of Batley Grammar School) with over 570 members. All former students are welcome to join.

For more information contact the Association's Secretary: olivertiplady@hotmail.com


President – Mr Jonathan Storey

Secretary – Mr Oliver Tiplady

Treasurer – Mr Robin Ghosh

Committee Members  -  Mr Peter Jackson, Mrs Jill Bellhouse, Mr Charles Wyatt, Mr Ian Blamires, Mr Ian Kirby, Mr Phil Gott, Mr Allan Shaw

Contact the Batelians

If you would like to contact the Batelians please see the Facebook page or email alumni@batleygrammar.co.uk.