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Batley Grammar School

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Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 3 (KS3):

Year 7: Seven times every two weeks as part of the Integrated Curriculum. This includes History, Geography and Religious Studies (RS). Learners will study a wide range of topics covering The Romans, Buddhism, Geographical skills and many others areas. In Year 7, learners are also encouraged to develop the key skills in these areas which will support their earning throughout KS3.

Year 8: Six times a fortnight, on a rotation basis, with Geography and RS. Study begins with the Tudors and English Civil War, then moves onto the African Slave Trade and Industrial Revolution. Learners also complete a home learning project on the Civil War, these topics connect by examining the various causes of tension at the time, the relationship between leaders and their subjects as well as interpretations of key individuals.

Year 9: Three times a fortnight. Learners will study the modern world. This focuses on the causes, event and outcomes of both world wars as well as some key events of the last 100 years including the period of Stalin’s rule in Russia and the Holocaust.

In Years 7 and 8 learners are taught in mixed ability form groups while in Year 9 they are streamed in Discover subjects.


Key Stage 4 (KS4): Mixed ability groups study the AQA specification over five lessons a fortnight.

Paper 1 – America: Opportunity and Inequality 1920-1973 and Conflict & Tension in Asia 1950-1975. These topics are taught in Year 10 with basic source analysis skills being developed as well as various methods for revision and long-term retention of information.

Paper 2 – Power and the People (British Thematic Study over 1000 years) and Norman England (British Depth study). Both of these topics further develop learners' source analysis skills and empower them with the finer techniques needed for the final examinations. There are two exams which are both two hours long with 84 marks being awarded for each (4 marks for SPaG in both cases). There is no coursework or controlled assessment.


The History long-term plan is available here

The KS3 History Learning Journey is available here.

The GCSE History Learning Journey is available here.