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Batley Grammar School

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KS3 Graduation

At Batley Grammar School we aim to nurture students and pupils in a caring educational environment, enabling them to grow into confident, respectful, independent and successful learners. In so doing, equipping them with the depth of character and enthusiasm necessary to aspire, thrive and prosper in future academic and wider social endeavours.

Your journey to success started when you first arrived at school. This has been built on with projects such as the Batley Bucket List, but now you need to be thinking more clearly about your options and next steps.

Success in KS4 depends on a range of things. We have worked hard to reduce the key measures of success based on the evidence we have collected from our successful learners and data from large research studies based on what best helps learners achieve well in their education.

School is about getting you ready for adult life. Being a successful person is not just about academic skills. Many of the skills you will use in your future careers will depend on your ability to deal with challenging situations. These challenges will require “soft skills” which are not assessed in any exam, but are vital to success.  Year 8 and 9 are part of the stepping stones in school where we support you in becoming successful adults.