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Batley Grammar School

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Curriculum Overview

Mathematics can help us better understand and describe the world around us. Recognising the importance of mathematics in life and in society contributes to living safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. Understanding there is a purpose to Maths beyond the classroom is our curriculum intent. The importance of mathematics is evident in our personal lives when calculating the number of tins of paint needed when decorating, managing expenses and savings, organising and planning a journey and estimating a bill when out for a meal. Some career options require subject-specific knowledge, but a wider variety depends mainly on 'higher-order skills' such as numeracy, the ability to think logically and quantitatively, to handle data and to analyse and solve problems. Our curriculum is designed to give a good mathematical education and to help develop these higher-order skills.

For our local area we aim to equip as many learners with the ability to access education and training to support their communities or facilitate pupils in venturing further afield. Many of our learners' families are small business owners and the power of business/financial numeracy is beneficial to families and futures.

The overarching concepts for Mathematics at BGS are:

  • Number representations – proportion and types of number that are fundamental to all aspects of life
  • Algebra – generalises arithmetic and develops analytical thinking
  • Problem solving – helps us see things that would otherwise be hidden from our awareness
  • Graphs – develop interpretation of real life scenarios and make predictions
  • Evaluate – statistics enable us to reflect and refine
  • Dimension – combines two complementary aspects of human reasoning; logic and intuition

Progression through key stages has been carefully mapped out to provide review opportunities and stretch and challenge. New content is thoughtfully introduced to maximise its relevance and links to the curriculum.

Anticipated Impact

By the end of Key Stage 3 learners will have widened their understanding of mathematical concepts taught in Key Stage 2. They will have been given opportunities to develop a conceptual understanding through application and problem solving including real life concepts. In addition, the introduction of new topics including algebra, graphs and statistics, will strengthen skills in reasoning and interpretation. Learners will be independently modelling mathematical situations and start to make connections between different areas of mathematics alongside other subjects. Learners will begin to become confident to use mathematical language to reason in number, geometry and algebra problems.

By the end of Key Stage 4 learners will demonstrate a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Learners will be confident, secure and fluent in interpreting diagrams and solutions, selecting the appropriate method to break down and solve problems and reason geometrically. They will be able to independently apply, interpret and evaluate their solution to complex problems. They will leave BGS confident in their ability to relate their knowledge to real life contexts, from personal finances to managing their own business.


The Mathematics long-term plan is available here

The Mathematics Learning Journey is available here.

Hegarty Maths Home Support Guide