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Secondary Phase

Welcome to Batley Grammar School Secondary Phase, where pastoral care is paramount for our learners from 11-16.

This is led by our Deputy Headteacher for Culture and Personal Development.

Mrs T Logan: tlogan@batleygrammar.co.uk  

Pastoral Responsibilities

All staff participate in the pastoral system of the school and most staff will act as Form Tutors. Progress Leaders lead the work of each pastoral team. We put great emphasis on working in teams, with the intention that teamwork and good communication will constantly improve our pastoral care.

Role of the Form Tutor

The Form Tutor has the central role in our pastoral structure, being in daily contact with the Form, and being the first point of contact for the learner and parent/carers.  The Form Tutor has day to day responsibilities for the pastoral and personal guidance of the form, for their welfare, for advising learners, and for the discipline and the setting of sanctions.  The Form Tutor will also liaise, where necessary, with subject teachers on matters of concern to a member of the form.

The Form Tutor plays a crucial role in the academic, personal and social development of the students in the tutor group.  Their role includes:

  • Monitoring academic progress and behaviour, having learning conversations with learners, so that underperforming learners are identified and action is initiated
  • Overseeing the pastoral care, guiding and mentoring learners, and being sensitive to the needs of each young person in their tutor group
  • Alerting appropriate staff to problems experienced by learners, and making recommendations as to how these may be resolved
  • Acting as the first interface between home and school (and other agencies as required) and ensuring regular and high quality communication for transparency between school and home
  • Organising and delivering a high quality tutorial programme
  • Checking homework completion through ClassCharts and other administrative duties related to the Behaviour for Learning system

Behaviour for Learning

Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Logan, is responsible for leading and managing Behaviour for Learning and attendance matters in school. Responsibilities for discipline include school uniform, behaviour in school as well as journeys to and from schools, anti-social and aggressive behaviour, persistent bullying. They will apply sanctions in accordance with the Behaviour for Learning Policy, and will defer to the Headteacher where necessary.

Our Deputy Headteacher briefs the Year Leaders/Progress Leaders.

Year Leaders and Progress Leaders

After the Form Tutor, the Year Leader is the next point of contact for learners and parents/carers. They are responsible to the Deputy Headteacher.  The duties of the Year Leader are to support the team in the pastoral and personal guidance of the learners, the welfare of the year group, and the advice given to our young people, in the discipline of learners and the setting of sanctions. The Progress Leaders liaise with Form Tutors and the Deputy Headteacher on pastoral matters, where necessary, with Heads of Department and subject teachers on matters of concern to their year groups.

The Year Leader and Progress Leader are responsible for learner culture, on the placing of Tutors within the pastoral team, and for briefing the team, as well as advising the Deputy Headteacher. The Year Leader can apply sanctions in accordance with the School's Sanctions Policy, and will refer to the Deputy Headteacher breaches of discipline, aggressive behaviour and cases of persistent bullying. The Year Leader will also have an overview of the target setting, assessment and data for all learners. 

Year Leader Progress Leader
Year 7 Mrs N Ahmed
 Mrs S Patel
Year 8 Miss N Rainbow


Miss L Baker

Year 9 Mr A Lorgat
Year 10 Miss M Lendrum


Miss Z Weale

Year 11 Miss S Irvine